Big Truth:

God Makes Me His Ambassador

Matthew 28:18-20; John 1:7; 15:15; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 5:20

Bible Verse:

and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

Ephesians 6:19-20

Big Ideas:

  • God offers a new mission.
  • God’s mission is for His glory.
  • God’s mission is fueled by position and pursuit.
  • God’s mission is to share the gospel.
  • God’s mission is to make disciples.

Bible Story:

Acts 4

In Acts 4, Peter and John are in prison after they were preaching the gospel. The Sadducees who had arrested them knew that they didn’t have any real reason to keep them there, so they let them go but told them they could not preach the gospel anymore. Peter and John left the prison and kept sharing the good news of the gospel. They knew that their true purpose was to be ambassadors for Christ, and this purpose is the same for us.


New Creation: Review

Part of the beauty of the gospel is that God does not just rescue us from the power of sin, but He is also mak- ing everything new. God offers new creation to those who place their faith in Jesus. This newness comes in two ways. The first is that by breaking the power of sin, Jesus is making men and women into brand new people with new identities. Second, God is not only making people new, but He is also going to make a new heaven and a new earth for us to live on and worship Him in.

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Every child should know that:

  • God gives us a new purpose.

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Every child should:

  • Learn how to share the message of the gospel.

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Every child should feel:

  • Awe that God would use us as His ambassadors.

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Every child should want:

  • To live faithfully for God’s purposes.