Big Truth:

God Rules Creation

Jeremiah 10:10-13; Psalm 33; Psalm 93; Isaiah 40; Isaiah 46:8-13

Bible Verse:

Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.

Psalm 135:6

Big Ideas:

  • There is only one God.
  • God is in charge of everything.
  • Creation exists to declare God’s greatness.

Bible Story:

Exodus 7-12

God is the one living God. There is no other god besides God. He is the Creator of all things and He rules over everything. Creation obeys God’s Word. All of creation does what God commands it to do. In the story of the Plagues on Egypt, God’s rule is displayed through His control of all things. He is the ruler of all.



God created everything. Everything we see, hear, feel, taste, and that exists was created by Him. Not only did He create everything, but He created everything perfectly, including humanity. He created mankind in His very image and likeness to reflect His worth. All of creation was made just like He wanted and designed it to be. To His delight, God looked at everything He made and declared that it was good. All creation exists for God, is good, and was created to bring Him glory.

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Every child should know that:

  • God is actively involved in creation.

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Every child should:

  • Remember the ways that God is faithful.

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Every child should feel:

  • Safe and secure in God’s rule over creation.

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Every child should want:

  • To trust God’s control over creation.