Big Truth:

Jesus is the Bread of Life

Psalm 81:16; 107:9

Bible Verse:

Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.’

John 6:35

Big Ideas:

  • The bread of life is from heaven.
  • The bread of life satisfies the hunger of our souls.
  • The bread of life gives eternal life.

Bible Passage:

John 6:22-51


FOCUS: Living for Jesus


This series looks at the “I Am” statements of Jesus in the book of John. If we are going to live for Christ, it is imperative that we know the Jesus that we are following. This series will lead students to rightly see and understand Jesus through the truths that He claims about Himself. 

View tips to teach and talk in this series here!

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Every student should know:

  • The 8 different “I AM” statements that Jesus uses in the gospel of John.
  • We will always be dissatisfied when we search for joy and life apart from Jesus.
  • The value and worth of our lives is found in Jesus alone.

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Every student should strive to:

  • Read the entire gospel of John.
  • Memorize the Bible verse each week.
  • Practice sharing the truth about who Jesus is using the ‘I Am’ statements from Scripture.

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Every student should feel:

  • Awe that God would make a way for our relationship with Him through Jesus.
  • Convicted of the lies that they are tempted to believe about Jesus.
  • Responsible to use their influence for Jesus alone.

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Every student should want to:

  • Grow in their understanding of who Jesus is.
  • Abide in Christ more deeply than they ever have before.
  • Be known for how they point people to Jesus with their lives.