Everyone’s Life is Built on a Foundation

Big Truth:

Everyone's Life is Built on a Foundation

James 1:2-4; Luke 6:48; 2 Timothy 2:19

Bible Verse:

And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.

Matthew 7:26-27

Big Ideas:

  • The foundation our lives are built upon determines our eternal future.
  • The foundation that is built on Jesus is the only one that can weather the storms of life.
  • We must be hearers and doers of the Word in order for our foundation to be built on Jesus.

Bible Passage:

Matthew 7:21-29




This brief 3-week series teaches on Christ as the beginning of our abiding pursuit. Everyone is following a certain path of life, everyone’s life is bearing some kind of fruit, and everyone is building their life on a foundation. This series leads students to discern if their lives are aligned with how Scripture describes the life of a Jesus follower.

View tips to teach and talk in this series here!

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Every student should know that:

  • God is the only way to life, hope, and peace.
  • Everyone is on the path leading to life or the path leading to death.
  • The path to life is hard and few find it, while the path to death is easy and many are on it.

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Every student should strive to:

  • Use the workouts consistently as a tool to help you study God’s Word.
  • Start using the ACTS model of daily prayer.
  • Find someone who can consistently disciple you and help you to run the race of life for God’s glory.

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Every student should feel:

  • Fearful about the possibility of being on the road that leads to death.
  • Hopeful in the reality that God has made the path of life accessible through Jesus.
  • Encouraged that God’s Word, people, and Spirit can help us run the race well.

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Every student should ask God to:

  • Give them a desire to pursue the path of life and reject the path of death.
  • Help them to take the next step in obediently following Him this week.